Dina Ananina, MD is a highly skilled and experienced medical professional with a diverse background and education. Born in Germany, with an education in Russia, she received training in Spain and the USA before settling in Serbia, where she currently resides in the mountainous blue zone of Dinaran Alps with her family and a black dog. In addition to her expertise as an aerospace medical doctor and nutritionist, she is also a highly qualified family doctor. Dr. Ananina is committed to research in the field of space health, including the development of food and water solutions for use in space.
Extensive international experience, having visited 40 and lived in 22 countries. She is also interested in population health and works with patients in various countries including Korea, the United Arab Emirates, the USA, Spain, Russia, and Serbia. As a member of a group of 280 medical doctors, she is well-connected and highly respected in her field.
In addition to her medical pursuits, Dr. Ananina is an accomplished multi-vehicle operator, skilled in driving cars, motorcycles, helicopters, and horses. She is also trained in skydiving.
Dina, welcome to the leaders' show. It is a great honour and pleasure to have you here. What interests me is that you have a diverse background and education. You were born in Germany but received your education abroad.
What factors influenced your decision to attend university for your studies?
Everything that occurred was solely the result of God's will. My father's mom was from Ukraine, his step-father from Berlin, and my grandparents from my mother's side were from different USSR republics. The time my father finished his career as a pilot we moved to Russia. My choice to become a doctor was subconscious. I always felt that something is pushing me in this area, but didn’t try to analyze what and why. Of course, there were some things from childhood when I played as I work in the laboratory and my plush monkey was suffered from my water injections, but it doesn’t explain the real power that put in that field.
You were born in Germany, where you spent your childhood and where you first developed an interest in attending various trainings. Have you ever imagined traveling to attend your studies? Was there anything in particular that compelled you to pursue studies in space health?
Like many children, had an abundance of imagination. Entered the field of Space because my family began a project related to it. My very first training was dedicated to survival skills and learning nature. Frogs and spiders were my best outdoor friends, and chemical experiences ended up with burns, but all of this made me curious. Unfortunately, with time that was a bit erased, but I still have this potential.
My grandfather was a pilot and my father was a helicopter pilot as well. He had
a dream to become an astronaut, it didn’t happen, but his passion for sky was
given to me.
You've travelled to 40 countries and lived in 22 of them. Which of the 40 countries you've visited would you like to live in?
India, Serbia, Azores are my favourite. But it is still a lot of places which I never
visited and who knows where I will suit the most.
You adore animals and have a black dog who lives with you and your family. How will you manage to care for it?
The life of a freezing dog that was found was saved and it is now being trained
for deep space missions. Vuki (our dog's name) knows all the animals in the
forest and it has enough skills to survive even if tomorrow we are going to
Could you tell us a little bit more about your space health research? Will this be considered an innovation? In what ways has progress been made towards the creation of food and water solutions that can be used in space?
only to find those people, we can also ‘make’ them. It concerns all aspects ofc science is no longer relevant. We're more interested in the real-world, hands-on results of science. Time will show. Food and water solutions for deep Space missions are still coming. I am sure it’s going to solve soon. My point of interest is more about searching for and making super humans who are able to stay resistant to radiation, being healthy in unfriendly environments, and psychologically resistant to stress (unlimited stress).
Regarding superhuman things was made a lot of progress. Now we are able not o nly to find those people, we can also ‘make’ them. It concerns all aspects of life: we know exactly how and what should they eat, how to be trained, what to know and what to expect from the missions.
How do you define success and kindness? What is the significance of these
in your life? What would you do differently if you had the chance to go back
in time?
We don't have any faith in this. Not at all. Thoughts about the past in general don’t make people happy. I would not change anything of what happened as it is part of my life experience and skills.
Abraham Lincoln once said: “Your decision to be successful, is the most
important.” How much do you relate to this quote? Do you think this quote
describe your career?
This is referred to as a "mindset." Abraham is correct. Myself is still working on it as some people I trust and respect tell it should be reloaded and so am I. All is set. We just need to see our potential, understand that the percentage of success is very small, but still exists and try to make things happen.
What advice would you give to many aspiring young leaders out there who
dare to dream big regardless of the circumstances they may face?
Do not take any advice. Only your own experience makes you bulletproof, makes you grow and feel independent. If you will be happy enough to meet your Teacher, you’ll be trained by yourself with the teacher's supervision. The real Teacher does not give any advice. He is just watching. And you have to be a doer.